Trusting in the God of Israel

A guide to a path seldom trod

Prepare Your Mind

Some simple guidelines to help prepare yourself for learning without missteps and getting lost down rabbit holes

Read the Blogs, Presentations

Encouraging and helpful blogs, book reviews, bible studies and opinion pieces designed to keep you moving down the path

Do your Own Study

Nothing can replace doing your own study with excellent teachers. See the list we recommend

Get Involved with Us

A community in common can accomplish much in your own growth and faith

Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

Torah Class

An excellent Teaching resource with audio, video and extensive notes.

Odoo - Sample 2 for three columns

JC Studies

Excellent Teaching from a Hebraic perspective thoroughly grounded in scriptural research.

Odoo - Sample 3 for three columns

A Rood Awakening

This ministry is being used by Yehovah to bring what has been hidden to light.